Friday 31 July 2020

Ancients Reborn MMORPG - Old School MMO Review

A fresh out of the box MMORPG which boasts the elements of 3D open-world and fantasy in ideal proportion, The devs have managed to bring a modern look and cutting edge look and feel which makes it stand out from early role-playing games. Play solitary or team up with other legends to complete the quests and achieve the glory. It reminds me of the old and classy MMORPGs, but way more grindy, like RuneScape with PVE and PVP challenges, which I personally loved to play. 
Another game element that attracts me the most is the character customization, The game will allow the user to supply gear and weapons thereby improve the vibe of your character and make them more grounded. Quests in this game is of course challenging and entertaining at the same time. Raid tombs, search crypts, and fight terrifying bosses over the world to become either a beast hunter or a modest trader.

The game has also considered those who love Player vs Player(PVP), 

Playing this game is a lot of fun, Really enjoy everything as to leveling up. Whether you grind, fish, or any of the other skills needed to build your character is great. The gameplay is good with new stuff being added such as skulling for pvp as well as new weapons such as staff and bow being added.

Definitely one of the best RPGs, online or off, on the store and it's free to play. Quests are a nice change rather than a way to level up. You'll spend a lot of time grinding but it's actually fun. This is a game that you can play if you only have 10 minutes and still feel like you've gotten something done. The bows and staves are a great addition to the game and crafting is actually worth doing. And they're still working on the game! It isn't finished yet. You have to try this.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Situs Hotel Murah di Jakarta

Inilah sepuluh Hotel Murah di Jakarta yang layak anda jadikan pilihan pertama tatkala butuh Hotel dan Penginapan Murah di Jakarta.Dan semuanya sudah tercantum dengan lengkap di Situs Booking Hotel Online serta sekaligus pesan di bawah ini.


Hotel Murah selalu menjadi incaran para tamu yang akan berhemat selama berada di sebuah kawasan dan harus menginap di sebuah kta yang mereka seinggahi,termasuk untuk yang datang ke Kota Jakarta.

1. Capsule Hotel Old Batavia
Capsule Hotel Old BataviaLokasi strategis di daerah Menteng Jakarta Pusat, dapat dicapai dari Bandara sekitar 30 menit berkendara dan Stasiun Kereta Cikini berjarak sekitar 580 M. Hotel berbintang 1 ini menawarkan harga sangat murah dan nyaman untuk menginap. Cocok buat kamu yang mempunyai budged minim ingin menginap di hotel bintang. Fasilitas yang tersedia internet wifi gratis disemua area, perpustakaan, Tempat parkir, Hot Tub, kedai kopi, restoran, dll. Didalam kamarnya dilengkapi AC, Brankas dalam Kamar, Meja, Fasilitas Menyetrika, linen, Handuk dan Perlengkapan Mandi.
#. Capsule Hotel Old Batavia
Alamat: Jaln. Cikini Raya No. 60Z, Komp. Cikini Center, Menteng, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 1
Rating: 8.7 Cemerlang Berdasarkan 237 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 14, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.82.645.00/malam

2. Tator Hotel
Tator HotelJika kamu mencari hotel di Jakarta dengan harga murah dekat dengan Sarinah dan Monumen Nasional (Monas) mungkin Tator Hotel bisa dijadikan pertimbangan. Hotel bintang 1 dengan 14 kamar tidur ini meskipun murah tetapi nyaman untuk menginap dengan fasilitas lumayan lengkap. Kamarnya ber AC, ada televisi, area tempat duduk, wifi gratis dan kamar mandi pribadi dengan shower. Untuk mengjangkau hotel dari Bandara sekitar 45 menit berkendara.
#. Tator Hotel
Alamat: Jalan. Jaksa Nomor.37, Thamrin, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 1
Rating: 6.7 Bagus Berdasarkan 218 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 14, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.103.305.00/malam

3. Shakti Hotel Jakarta
Shakti Hotel JakartaLetaknya strategis hanya berjarak 1,2 km dari Museum Nasional dan 1,4 km dari Monas. Sedangkan Pusat Tekstil dan Grosir Tanah Abang berjarak kurang lebih 2.5 km dari hotel. Hotel berbintang 1 dengan 66 kamar tidur menawarkan pelayanan bagus dan fasilitas lumayan lengkap kamarnya ber AC, ada televisi, lemari pakaian dan perlengkapan mandi. Shakti Hotel Jakarta pilihan bagus untuk menginap di kota Jakarta dengan tarif sangat murah.
#. Shakti Hotel Jakarta
Lokasi: Komp. Duta Merlin Blok D No. 3-6, Jln. Gajah Mada No. 3, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 2
Rating: 7.6 Sangat Bagus Berdasarkan 14 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 66, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.102.375.00/malam

4. Newton Residence
Newton ResidenceHotel berbintang 2 dengan harga murah ini letaknya sangat strategis diarea bisnis, kehidupan malam dan pusat perbelanjaan. Objek wisata yang lokasinya dekat dengan hotel yaitu Gajah Mada Plaza, Jalan Hayam Wuruk dan Masjid Kebon Jeruk. Soal kualitas dan pelayanannya tidak perlu khawatir berdasarkan ulasan tamu Newton Residence ratingnya sangat baik artinya review para tamu banyak positif. Fasilitas yang tersedia lumayan lengkap, masing-masing kamar dilengkapi AC, televisi, rak pakaian, area tempat duduk, meja, Mesin Pembuat Kopi/Teh, dll. Internet wifi tersedia disemua area, layanan laundry dan layanan kamar bisa dinikmat semua tamu. Untuk menjangkau hotel dari Bandara Soetta dapat ditempuh sekitar 30 menit berkendara.
#. Newton Residence
Alamat: Jln. Petojo Utara 7 No. 8, Gajah Mada, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 2
Rating: 7.6 Sangat Bagus Berdasarkan 95 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 51, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.156.128.00/malam

5. Twins Hotel
Twins HotelBila kamu mencari hotel dengan harga murah di Jakarta yang berlokasi di kawasan Mangga Dua maka Twins Hotel bisa dijadikan pertimbangan. Hotel ini hanya beberapa langkah dari Mall Mangga Dua, Pasar Pagi Mangga Dua dan ITC Mangga Dua. Hotel berbintang 2 ini memiliki fasilitas internet wifi gratis disemua area dan Taman untuk bersantai. Sementara didalam kamar tersedia berbagai fasilitas penunjang untuk memanjakan tamu seperti AC, wifi gratis, televisi, telepon, meja, cermin, lenin, handuk, dll. Untuk menjangkau hotel dari Bandara Soekarno Hatta sekitar 40 menit berkendara.
#. Twins Hotel
Alamat: Jln. Mangga Dua Raya No.24, Mangga Dua, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 2
Rating: 7.2 Sangat Bagus Berdasarkan 159 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 40, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.186.675.00/malam

6. Hotel Rovi Boutique
Hotel Rovi BoutiquePilihan sempurna untuk menginap di kota Jakarta dengan tarif murah dan fasilitas cukup lengkap. Internet wifi tersedia disemua area, restoran, karaoke, Tempat parkir beberapa dari fasilitas yang tersedia. Sedangkan kamar tidurnya dilengkapi fasilitas penunjang berupa AC, televisi, bar mini, brankas, Mesin Pembuat Kopi/Teh, Pengering Rambut dan perlengkapan mandi. Bagi tamu yang ingin jalan-jalan Jalan Hayam Wuruk dan Museum Arsip Nasional bisa dijangkau dengan mudah dari hotel.
#. Hotel Rovi Boutique
Alamat: Jln. Hayam Wuruk No.79B, Jakarta Barat.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 3
Rating: 6.7 Bagus Berdasarkan 190 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 45, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.187.014.00/malam

7. The Plaza Hotel Glodok
The Plaza Hotel GlodokLokasinya strategis tidak jauh dari Pasar Glodok dan Pecinan Glodok. Menawarkan fasilitas internet wifi gratis disemua area, pijat, spa, kedai kopi, restoran, layanan kamar 24 jam, tempat parkir, Layanan Kebersihan Harian dan lain sebagainya. Kamarnya cukup luas, bersih dan nyaman dengan fasilitas didalamnya berupa AC, televisi, telepon, lemari pakaian, meja, brankas, area tempat duduk dan perlengkapan mandi. The Plaza Hotel Glodok merupakan pilihan bagus untuk menginap selama berada di Jakarta dengan tarif murah dan pelayanan bagus.
#. The Plaza Hotel Glodok
Lokasi: Glodok Plaza Lot. 3, Jln. Pinangsia Raya No. 1, Mangga Dua, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 2
Rating: 6.5 Bagus Berdasarkan 443 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 91, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.188.561.00/malam

8. Hotel Prapancha
Hotel PrapanchaHotel murah dengan kualitas bagus dan pelayanan luar biasa di daerah Kemang Jakarta ini tempat ideal untuk menginap di Ibu Kota. Letaknya dekat dengan Kemang Village dan Jalan Kemang. Fasilitas yang tersedia diantaranya wifi gratis disemua area, restoran, tempat parkir, area merokok, kotak penyimpanan, layanan laundry, layanan kamar dan lain sebagainya. Bagi tamu yang ingin minum dan makan terdapat kedai kopi dan restoran diarea hotel.
#. Hotel Prapancha
Alamat: JLn. Prapanca Raya Nomor.30-31, Kemang, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 1
Rating: 6.5 Bagus Berdasarkan 124 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 40, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.188.561.00/malam

9. Hotel Feodora
Hotel FeodoraTempat ideal untuk menginap di Ibu Kota dengan tarif terjangkau dan letaknya strategis tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Hotel berbintang 3 dengan 54 kamar tidur ini juga menawarkan akses mudah ke sejumlah objek wisata populer yang wajib di kunjungi di kota ini. Soal fasilitas dan layanannya anda tidak perlu khawatir Hotel Feodora menawarkan sejumlah fasilitas dan layanan terbaik untuk memanjakan semua tamu. Kamarnya dilengkapi AC, televisi, telpon, meja, wifi gratis, handuk dan perlengkapan mandi.
#. Hotel Feodora
Alamat: Jaln. Mangga Besar IV No.18D, Gajah Mada, Jakarta.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 3
Rating: 6.7 Bagus Berdasarkan 27 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 54, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.190.083.00/malam

10. Mustika Hotel & Restaurant
Mustika Hotel & RestaurantDari Bandara Sokerano Hatta (Soetta) dapat ditempuh sekitar 45 menit berkendara dan dari Stasiun Kereta Jayakarta berjarak sekitar 990 M. Pelayanannya bagus dan fasilitasnya juga lumayan lengkap. Mustika Hotel & Restaurant memiliki fasilitas bersantai berupa Pijat dan karaoke. Terdapat Restoran (halal) dan kedai kopi diarea hotel sehingga para tamu tidak perlu pergi keluar untuk bersantap. Hotel bintang 2 di Jakarta Barat ini tempat ideal untuk menginap dengan tarif murah dan kualitas bagus.
#. Mustika Hotel & Restaurant
Alamat: Jln. Gajah Mada No. 193e, GLodok, Jakarta Barat.
Kelas Hotel Bintang 2
Rating: 7.7 Sangat Bagus Berdasarkan 40 Ulasan
Jumlah Total Kamar: 55, Wifi Gratis
Tarif Kamar Mulai Harga Rp.192.332.00/malam

Monday 30 December 2019

Cosmoids TD Prototype finished! Try it out!

We did it! Prototype out now!

I'm very excited to present to you the Cosmoids TD prototype, Marie (our artist) and I have been hard at work to bring this prototype to you.
Prototype Normal Level

I do want to say that the purpose of this prototype is to give you a taste of what the gameplay and graphics will be like in this game. The levels are really short and in the final games levels will last a bit longer. Also missing from the prototype are item drops, experience gains and leveling up, also recruiting (the equivalent of capturing pokemon in ptd) is also missing from the prototype. Those are things that I will be adding going forward.

So with that out of the way I hope you enjoy this look below and please please please tell me what you think. The next steps will be taking this prototype to kickstarter and try to fund the game as well as funding adding even more cosmoids (right now we are set for 15 unique cosmoids but we would like to add many more!)

You can play it below or go to this link to play it in full screen

  • Drag your cosmoids to any position across the 3 lanes (those facing right)
  • Press on Special abilities to use them (on the lower right side)
    • Some require you to select an enemy or ally after pressing
  • Press on unselected basic ability to change it
    • For example Buffaflow has a healing spell ability you can switch to.

Saturday 30 November 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 4 Fire Koala Blitzupial

Welcome to the 4th installment of Meet the Cosmoids!

Sorry about the delay, I've been working very hard on the game as well as handling my life responsibilities. Sometimes I choose to work on the game rather than work on the blog as I think this will be more beneficial in the long run. Do you agree? let me know! Anyways on to the show! I'm very excited about this next Cosmoids, he is the great fire Koala Blitzupial!

Blitzupial is angry.. you won't like him when he is angry!
"Content with just spending his days eating and sleeping without a care in the world. However due to the recent drought and fires the majority his food supply has been lost. Filled with anger over his lost, Blitzupial now takes his stand against those responsible."

Blitzupial is a Fire Cosmoid, his main role is Damage and his secondary role is Tank. Marie and I had a lot of fun animating this character, he is very serious about his cause but since he has been mostly inactive and eating a lot his body doesn't react like he is used to as you can see in the animation below he slightly loses his balance when doing his basic attacks.

 One of his Special abilities is a spinning kick that will damage and stun nearby enemy units, this ability will be useful when tanking to stop enemies from attacking and moving for a few precious seconds.
He will also be one of the starters you can pick at the beginning of the game. The other two starters will be Chameleaf and Buffaflow! It is a good balance, if you want a tank character you can get Blitzupial, if you want more utility and range spell damage you can get Chameleaf, and if you want healing and sturdy physical damage you can choose Buffaflow. Who will you choose?

 Speaking of the game.. I know you have been waiting to check it out, my plan is to release a tiny alpha prototype with a easy and a hard level. It will give you a taste of what the game will be like. This will be out before the end of the year.

As always let me know what you think and which starter will you choose!

Saturday 21 September 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 3 Fire Hyena

Welcome to another installment of Meet the Cosmoids!

I'm sorry about the delay on this one, my goal would be to do one of these at least once a month or even every 2 weeks.

Quick Game Dev Update

Just a quick update on the progress of the game. We have all 15 Cosmoid Character concept designs done. I have the inital ability design done for all the Cosmoids (2 active, 2 basic and 2 passive abilities per Cosmoid). Now we are working on the actual game assets. About 6 Cosmoids have their animations completed (minus some special animations for active abilities). We have stopped the character animations to focus on attack graphic effects to give abilities visuals feedback that will make them flashier and intuitive to understand what is going on. On the programming side I have completed all abilities for the Wishmaker and Chameleaf. Currently I'm working on the Fire Hyena's abilities. Speaking of the Fire Hyena...

Vol 3 Fire Hyena

This week we want to spotlight the Fire Hyena! (Yes, he needs a name and you can help with that!)

Fire Hyena concept art
The Hyena is a Fire Type Cosmoids that specializes in melee physical combat. He is a savage warrior that will put himself at a defensive disadvantage to gain an offensive advantage. He is a mercenary and only has loyalty to those who will offer him the highest prize. 

With the great drought happening he joins the ranks of the Disruptor (our antagonist) in order to get food to feed his pack. He feels this is the only way for him and his pack to survive.

Level Paths

For Cosmoids TD I've really been thinking about what are the essentials of this game. What is it that will make it interesting and focusing on that. Originally I planned to have intricate maps that maybe forced you to have to scroll the map to be able to see all the action, but as time went on I realized I really wanted everything to fit on one screen regardless if you were playing on a PC or a mobile device. So I decided to have my paths be more like Plants vs Zombies. Even then since you can move your Cosmoids around as much as you want I have only added 3 paths. I tried having more paths but it can make things overly complicated since you would have to be constantly moving your Cosmoids. I'm pretty happy with the 3 path set up. The enemies will be coming from the right side and you have to prevent them from reaching the left side. You will have a set number of lives, if too many enemies pass then you lose the level. Here is a glimpse at a work in progress background for the game. 

Work in progress level map with our 3 paths

Give Fire Hyena a name!

As you have noticed I don't have a name for the fire Hyena, I think this would be a great opportunity to involve you in the process. After reading his description in the top, what do you think would be a good name to fit this character? If I pick your name I will send you 50 SndCoins as a prize!

As always let me know what you think and see you next time!

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 2 Buffaflow

Hi friend! Welcome to another installment of Meet the Cosmoids!

If you don't know, Cosmoids is the next game I'm working on. It is a spiritual successor to the Pokemon Tower Defense series and it feature 15 new characters called Cosmoids. They are similar to Pokemon but they are more human like, they wear clothes, use tools and weapons, can use magic and have a shared language this is common to many races in the known universe. 

Vol 2. Buffaflow

This series of blogs will spotlight all the Cosmoids, this week we will showcase Buffaflow, the gentle giant!

Buffaflow, the water type Cosmoid
Buffaflow is single minded and generally peaceful Cosmoids, that is until an ally suffers unjustly. It feels incredible guilt over not being able to stop the great fire, he now dedicates his life to atone for what he feels is his greatest mistake.

I asked our artist, Marie, how she would describe Buffalow and she wrote me this:
The water bull is a gentle and peaceful race, as they have water as the center of their culture. Like water, they flow, heal, and protect life around them. But when fighting time comes they are as the storm, strong as big waves and destructive to things that get in their way. They have a very deep connection with plants and nature, and try to protect it at all costs.
If you played a lot of PTD2 you might recognize the name Buffaflow, in fact as you might have guessed this Cosmoids was very influenced by that original design.

Original water buffalo cosmoids family

  Basic,  Passive and Active Abilities

As Cosmoids level up they will learn different abilities. All Cosmoids will learn 2 Basic,  2Passive, and 2 Active Abilities.

Buffaflow is a Water type which is strong against: Fire, Light and Stone and weak against: Plant, Electric, and Shadow.

Water types main role is Healing so Buffaflow is primary type healer and secondary type damage. Physical damage.

Buffaflow abilities are the following:

Basic Abiltities:

Basic abilities will be like the attacks that pokemon learn. You will set the basic ability you want your Cosmoid to do and they will perform that ability against their targets.
  • Charge - A water physical damage move that can also Douse it's target.
  • Healing Orb - A healing spell that heals it's target, it can also Douse it's target.
Charge animation
Healing Orb animation
Marie did an amazing job on these animations, right?!

Active Abilities:

Active Abilities are abilities will long cooldowns that need to be used manually by you the player. Some you will have to target a cosmoids or target a location in the level, some you just activate. Let's see what are Buffaflow's active abilities.
  • Rain Shower - target a location, rain will fall on that location, healing allies and dousing any unit hit by the rain. 
  • Hydro Beam - Shoot a beam of water in your lane, healing allies and damaging enemies, will douse any units hit by it.

Passive Abilities:

Are like "Abilities" in pokemon. They just exist in the background, and just like pokemon you can only have one passive assigned to your Cosmoid at a time, pick the one that will lead you to victory.
  • Rage - Chance when an ally takes damage to increase Buffaflow's strength.
  • Rain Dance - Chance when an ally takes damage to summon a Rain Shower.
So there you have it! Hope you liked this blog, these moves are also subject to change, would love to hear what you think! Until next time, remember "We are better together!"


Saturday 13 July 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 1. Chameleaf

Hi friend! It's been quite a while since the last post but I have been working in the background on the game, coming up with Cosmoids designs and working with Marie on the concept art. The initial version of Cosmoids TD will include 15 unique Cosmoids. (The plan is to add more and we will be doing a Kickstarter at some point to get funding for more.)

This series will introduce the 15 Cosmoids and give some details about their roles and types. We will also cover other parts of the game.

Vol 1. Chameleaf

The first Cosmoids I will cover is a familiar one. Our friend Chameleaf!
Plant Cosmoids Chameleaf
Chameleaf used to live in a tree hut in a lush magical forest. Due to the long drought a fire broke out on the forest and Chameleaf was separated from her family. She was forced to live the life of a nomad. Being able to adapt to any environment Chameleaf roams the land looking for her lost family.

Types and Roles

Cosmoids have types, similar to Pokemon. We have Plant, Water, Fire, Electric, Stone, Light and Shadow types. Also like Pokemon types have advantages and disadvantages to each other.

Chameleaf is a Plant type Cosmoids. Plant types are strong against: Water, Light, Electric and weak against: Fire, Shadow, Stone.

Chameleaf in-game

Cosmoids have certain  roles that they specialize in and we have 4 roles: Damage, Healer, Tank and Utility. Each Cosmoids has a primary role and a secondary role. Their primary roles are tied with their type and their secondary can be any of the other roles.

Plant type's primary role is Utility. Utility role units will be able to weaken enemies and enhance allies.

In Chameleaf's case her secondary role is Damage. Magical damage in the form of powerful spells and poison debuffs.

Chameleaf  dealing damage

She is able to poison her enemies, dealing damage over time. Also most of her attacks will deal more damage if the enemy is already poisoned.

She might be small but she can quickly poison her enemies and start blasting them out of existence!

I hope you likes this edition of Meet the Cosmoids, please let me know what you think, do you want to see more of these and what information would you like to know about the comoids?

Thanks and see you next time!

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