Friday, 31 July 2020

Ancients Reborn MMORPG - Old School MMO Review

A fresh out of the box MMORPG which boasts the elements of 3D open-world and fantasy in ideal proportion, The devs have managed to bring a modern look and cutting edge look and feel which makes it stand out from early role-playing games. Play solitary or team up with other legends to complete the quests and achieve the glory. It reminds me of the old and classy MMORPGs, but way more grindy, like RuneScape with PVE and PVP challenges, which I personally loved to play.  .  Another game element that attracts me the most is the character customization, The game will allow the user to supply gear and weapons thereby improve...

Saturday, 7 March 2020

Situs Hotel Murah di Jakarta

Inilah sepuluh Hotel Murah di Jakarta yang layak anda jadikan pilihan pertama tatkala butuh Hotel dan Penginapan Murah di Jakarta.Dan semuanya sudah tercantum dengan lengkap di Situs Booking Hotel Online serta sekaligus pesan di bawah ini. PEMESANAN DAN INFO LENGKAP  KLIK DISINI Hotel Murah selalu menjadi incaran para tamu yang akan berhemat selama berada di sebuah kawasan dan harus menginap di sebuah kta yang mereka seinggahi,termasuk untuk yang datang ke Kota Jakarta. 1. Capsule Hotel Old Batavia Capsule Hotel Old BataviaLokasi strategis di daerah Menteng Jakarta Pusat, dapat dicapai dari Bandara sekitar 30 menit berkendara dan...

Monday, 30 December 2019

Cosmoids TD Prototype finished! Try it out!

We did it! Prototype out now! I'm very excited to present to you the Cosmoids TD prototype, Marie (our artist) and I have been hard at work to bring this prototype to you. Prototype Normal Level I do want to say that the purpose of this prototype is to give you a taste of what the gameplay and graphics will be like in this game. The levels are really short and in the final games levels will last a bit longer. Also missing from the prototype are item drops, experience gains and leveling up, also recruiting (the equivalent of capturing pokemon in ptd) is also missing from the prototype. Those are things that I will be adding going forward. So...

Saturday, 30 November 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 4 Fire Koala Blitzupial

Welcome to the 4th installment of Meet the Cosmoids! Sorry about the delay, I've been working very hard on the game as well as handling my life responsibilities. Sometimes I choose to work on the game rather than work on the blog as I think this will be more beneficial in the long run. Do you agree? let me know! Anyways on to the show! I'm very excited about this next Cosmoids, he is the great fire Koala Blitzupial! Blitzupial is angry.. you won't like him when he is angry! "Content with just spending his days eating and sleeping without a care in the world. However due to the recent drought and fires the majority his food supply...

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 3 Fire Hyena

Welcome to another installment of Meet the Cosmoids! I'm sorry about the delay on this one, my goal would be to do one of these at least once a month or even every 2 weeks. Quick Game Dev Update Just a quick update on the progress of the game. We have all 15 Cosmoid Character concept designs done. I have the inital ability design done for all the Cosmoids (2 active, 2 basic and 2 passive abilities per Cosmoid). Now we are working on the actual game assets. About 6 Cosmoids have their animations completed (minus some special animations for active abilities). We have stopped the character animations to focus on attack graphic effects to give...

Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 2 Buffaflow

Hi friend! Welcome to another installment of Meet the Cosmoids! If you don't know, Cosmoids is the next game I'm working on. It is a spiritual successor to the Pokemon Tower Defense series and it feature 15 new characters called Cosmoids. They are similar to Pokemon but they are more human like, they wear clothes, use tools and weapons, can use magic and have a shared language this is common to many races in the known universe.  Vol 2. Buffaflow This series of blogs will spotlight all the Cosmoids, this week we will showcase Buffaflow, the gentle giant! Buffaflow, the water type Cosmoid Buffaflow is single minded and generally...

Saturday, 13 July 2019

Meet the Cosmoids: Vol 1. Chameleaf

Hi friend! It's been quite a while since the last post but I have been working in the background on the game, coming up with Cosmoids designs and working with Marie on the concept art. The initial version of Cosmoids TD will include 15 unique Cosmoids. (The plan is to add more and we will be doing a Kickstarter at some point to get funding for more.) This series will introduce the 15 Cosmoids and give some details about their roles and types. We will also cover other parts of the game. Vol 1. Chameleaf The first Cosmoids I will cover is a familiar one. Our friend Chameleaf! Plant Cosmoids Chameleaf Chameleaf used to live in a tree hut...

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