Sunday, 14 February 2016

Plague Inc. Android Game Mod Apk Download



  • Can you infect the world? Plague Inc. is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation.

    Your pathogen has just infected 'Patient Zero'. Now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself.

    Brilliantly executed with innovative gameplay and built from the ground up for touchscreen, Plague Inc. from developer Ndemic Creations evolves the strategy genre and pushes mobile gaming (and you) to new levels. It’s You vs. the world - only the strongest can survive!


    ● Stunning HD graphics with a highly polished interface (Contagion guaranteed)
    ● Highly detailed, hyper-realistic world with advanced AI (Outbreak management)
    ● Comprehensive in-game help and tutorial system (I am Legendarily helpful)
    ● 12 different disease types with radically different strategies to master (12 Monkeys?)
    ● Full Save/Load functionality (28 Saves Later!)
    ● 50+ countries to infect, hundreds of traits to evolve and thousands of world events to adapt to (Pandemic evolved)
    ● Full game support for scoreboards and achievements
    ● Expansion updates add the mind controlling Neurax Worm, the zombie producing Necroa Virus, Speed Runs and real life Scenarios!

    Localised in English, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, French, Japanese, Korean and Russian. (more coming soon)

    P.S. Give yourself a pat on the back if you got all the themed literature references!

    Special sale price to celebrate being the 15th most popular touchscreen game of 2012!

Version   1.11.2   -  Updated    January 22   2016
1. Plague School - New to the game or want to learn strategies for some of the more exotic disease types? The brand new tutorial has your back. Enrol in the Infectious Disease School to learn the genetic strategies needed to infect the world!
2. Double Strain Cheat - Start your plague off in two countries at once with this brand new cheat
3. Improved some government AI response routines at higher difficulty levels
4. Minor game balance / AI improvements / bug fix

REQUIRES ANDROID:    2.3 and up

SIZE:     47  MB

INSTALLS:     10,000,000 - 50,000,000


CONTENT RATING:    Rated for 3+ 





    • Version: 1.7.4 for Android 2.3.2+ (Gingerbread)

      Update on:  Unknown

      What's new:  Not available

        DOWNLOAD APK ►


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