Thursday, 13 July 2017

Android O Closer to its full release date, 3rd Preview Rolls Out

The Third preview of Android O has been rolled out to developers recently. Now the developers can begin testing their apps more widely as The beta has finalized the APIs as officially API Level 26, In addition to an update to the Android Studio SDK.

Android O mobile Operating system was released officially on March 21, 2017, which is focused on improving the battery life of your device. At this point, they possibly can test the developer version on the Nexus 5X, 6P, Nexus Players, Pixel C and the two Pixel phones Google launched a year ago.

Dave Burke, VP of engineering at Android, said in a blog post “The usual caveats apply: it's early days, there are more features coming, and there's still plenty of stabilization and performance work ahead of us,”. From his statement, it is clear that latest beta should only be used by developers and isn’t intended for daily use.

Before the release, Android O will go all the way through various versions and be reviewed by developers and those on Android’s beta scheme. Even though there’s no official release date for Android O, the launch of the third preview implies its close. We can expect one more preview before the full release rolls out in Q3 of 2017.




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